MMA Ring Girls
What is a MMA Ring Girl?
Being a Ring Girl is a fun job and they love what they do but what exactly is it MMA ring girls do? We speak to some of our beautiful ring girls to ask them what they love m most about the job and give you some tips on how to become a mma ring girl.

A ring girls job is to let the crowd know what number round the fight is on, pose for photos and help out with things like the belt parades. Its a fun job. and were not going to lie and pretend its all hard work and no fun! We LOVE what we do! The girls travel across the country as a part of the job and most of the team have a love for the sport too! Ring girls can be seen across boxing, mma and various form of comb at sports and add a real touch a glamour to the event. Our Ring Girls do a lot more than just let people know what number round it is, they are also hired to promote the show and create content for their social media. This ensures the events get maximum coverage and hit a wide audience. At Finesse Ring Girls we provide the very best ring girls for MMA events and our girls have a real passion for their jobs. As a part of the job the girls get to travel, make new friends and earn decent wage whilst doing something they love!
We supply all the uniforms for the girls so the girls just have to turn up looking amazing ready to work. If you want to find out what else the girls get up to at work head over to our socials . Fill out a form in the apply section if you want the job the best MMA Ring Girl Agency!
Get to know the girls!
Meet Jessica!
I am the current Miss Grand England and excited to be representing England internationally in Thailand for the final competition, as one of the biggest beauty pageants in the world it is an honour to have been given the opportunity.
After moving away from home and attending performing school at the age of 16 I have been lucky enough to perform at Wembley arena among other prestigious venues and companies.
Following becoming an ambassador the survivors trust, a rape and sexual assault support charity and regularly being featured in the press for my charity work, I now enjoy writing my own column for the Birmingham mail.
When I’m not working or studying at college I love taking my dog Beau for walks, going to the gym and going out with friends and family.
I am excited for my new venture with battle arena, a great showcase for the sport.
My favourite part of the job is the feeling the excitement from the crowd
One piece of advice:
Use adversity as an opportunity.
Meet Libby!
About yourself:
Hi, my name is Libby I’m years old and a Ring Girl for Finesse Ring Girls and Battle Arena! I am a professional horse rider and ring girl. The horse riding was something I have been passionate about since a young age and I have been lucky enough to have been included in several movies as a horse rider because of this. I was a stunt double for the princess (Elle Flanning) in Maleficent 2 , a circus rider in the dumbo movie, along with other projects. I have always enjoyed meeting new people and being a part of new projects, which is what drew me to ring girling initially. Along the way I have developed a new respect for MMA and have taken more interest in the skill and passion it takes. This is what intrigued me the most about the battle arena. It is clear from what I can see about the show that a lot of heart, sweat and effort goes into it. I can tell that there is a lot of pride in the event and I’m really excited to be a part of.
One piece of advice:
Never give up on your dreams anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
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